
For Parents

Our goal is to help parents fulfill their parental obligation toward a lifetime of caring for their child.

“The solicitor (J. Arthur Cogan) is an acknowledged specialist in medical negligence litigation including obstetrical negligence actions and I find that he demonstrated a high level of skill, judgment and competence in his management of this case.” – Chief Judge


Birth injury is a very specialized form of medical malpractice that requires a lawyer with experience, expertise and a knowledge of pediatric medicine.

Why is it one of the most difficult?
1) The injuries to the infant are catastrophic, usually cerebral palsy which is permanent
2) The overall stress and pressure faced by the parents and family is traumatic and unsettling and places pressure on counsel

Our Goal – to try to bring to parents as much information as possible to determine whether they have a case worthy of litigation and provide peace of mind that they have done all they can.

Our Approach – We are open and frank with parents – we say how it is – lead them down the right path.

We Recognize that parents consider it part of their parental duty to hook into the cause of why their child was so badly damaged at birth – often it is one of the reasons why they approach us – to feel that as child grows, they can know they have done whatever they could to see that the rights of the child have been pursued and protected.

** Nobody will protect the interests of a child more than their parents – we help them try to fulfill their parental obligations toward their child.

Previous Cases

In the past we have had cases involving some of the following medical factors;

Child’s shoulders get stuck in the birth canal and the doctor is required to administer certain manoevers to try and free the baby and in this case the doctor failed to rotate the child by the shoulders and instead too hold of the baby’s head and rotated it with pressure, thus causing injury which required compensation.
Where the infant was suffering from kernicterus and jaundice and required timely transfusion to cleanse the blood which was acidotic and lacked oxygen thereby over a period of time, causing brain injury.
One of the most common causes of birth injury – the pressure on the uterus usually caused by artificially increasing the contractions by the use of oxytocin or a similar agent that causes increasing pressure on the uterus, causing it to eventually rupture, placing the baby in deathly peril.




